Cấu trúc chương trình Công nghệ Nano

Nanotechnology Program Structure

Program Structure

The Nanotechnology course of VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education is divided into four knowledge blocks, including compulsory modules and optional modules with a number of credits indicated in the table below:

No. Knowledge block Total credits Number of credits
Compulsory Optional
I General + basic knowledge 53 53 0
II Foundational knowledge 40 40 0
III Specialised knowledge 40 26 14
Total 133 119 14

General & Basic Knowledge

General and Basic knowledge block has 53 credits in total, and aims to provide foundational political, social as well as enhancing foreign language ability and conversion skills for students. At the same time, it provides the foundation knowledge of Mathematics and Natural Sciences so that students have enough basic knowledge to be able to study the modules of Nanotechnology.

Foundational Knowledge

Foundational Knowledge block has 40 credits, intending to provide the knowledge and basic practical skills related to Nanotechnology so that students are able to also study in other fields. It includes 4 credits of group practice and 10 credits for graduation thesis, aiming to help students apply the knowledge and skills learned to conduct specific research projects on Nanotechnology.

Specialised Knowledge

Specialised Knowledge block has 40 credits, with the goal of providing in-depth knowledge and advanced practical skills in narrow disciplines of Nanotechnology.

Supplementary Knowledge

Supplementary Knowledge block does not count for credits, which are awarded separately, including physical education and defense education modules, with the goal of helping students improve their physical fitness and knowledge of safety.

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